Thursday, November 24, 2011

Comfort and Discovery

New favorite thing: GOLDEN BEETS! Sooo tastey. Also Uwajimaya supermarket in the international district is magnificent. This together, well, noms are bound to happen.

First Round:
At Lexy and Mike's abode, after running around Pike's Market, with Fullsail's Wassail and Nikasi's Sleigher intow. Lamb had been rolling around in the back of my mind and palate for awhile, along with and good ol' stand by of marinated squash. Then mac n cheese popped up out of no where, so a mini feast began!

So this was a bit of a mac n cheese cheat, but the thing about the powder they provide, it can be used for the base of a roux. (But some prefer no roux! Hahaha!) And don't for get the garlic!

Yellow squash and zucchini marianted in a zesty Thai dressing: lemon, tanini, dill, tiny bit of thai chili, garlic, lemon grass. The saute if you can't grill it on an open flame.

LAMB! With heirloom tomatoes, garlic, red onion, paprika. Sooo delicious! Lamb was seared quickly on each side, then steamed through with the tomatoes.

Round Two:
At the Green Tortoise Hostel, again with a veggie kick accompanied by vegetarians.Maybe more beets? Korean rice noodles are served with this, just for got to take a photo.

Golden beets (suprise), red onion, garlic, thai eggplants, chantrelle mushrooms. Sauted with turkish olive oil.

Kobe beef slightly seared with a little bacon grease.

As usual, very tasty. Go to your local shops, more countries more varieties.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ready for an eye candy explosion?

...cuz I've got a month's worth of photos just waiting to be oogled!

Now, this may be a bit overwhelming, so I'm just going to caption the photos and elaborate where needed.

curried cous cous with tomatoes and chickpeas + braised red cabbage with red wine vinegar, onions and apples + acorn squash with brown sugar

I just found out that Blogger has a "jump break" feature, which I have now dubbed the "not as awesome as lj-cut" feature. So, to avoid having this photo-laden post clog up the homepage, I'm hiding it behind the following link that says "Read More...". Please click it! That is, unless you clicked a link directly to this post. In that case, you're good.

Beer O'Clock

Here is a recap of some of the fine hops and malts I've been privy to here in Seattle. Some local to the west coast, some east, and of course from across the pond.

A lovely winter beer, not to heavy and rather drinkable. 7.0%

Less than two bucks! A bit sweet, but has that nice Belgian tang. 8%

One of my favorites at Pike's Brewery, tad expensive but wonderful to get in a growler. 9%

Samuel Adams decide to try their hand at specialties. I did appreciate this one, very straight forward, no frills.

Nikasi strikes again! A rather metal brew being a dark double alt. 7.2%

 Music: Nails - Unsilent Death
            Bisc 1 - Electric Falls

Food: Mac n cheese, lamb, squash, beats, greens, kobe beef, and more!

Always more to come! Enjoy!